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Out of love and respect for our environment

We undertake to continuously improve our environmental performance.

Environmental commitment

ART DECO HOTEL MONTANA has been successfully implementing environmental management for several years. We want to permanently reduce our environmental impact and conserve resources through economical consumption. With our work, we undertake to continually improve our environmental performance.
When it comes to the topic environment we would like to be one of the environmental active hotels. Our Environment Team is in charge and monitors our environmental footprints and makes sure that we reach all our goals regarding this very sensitive subject.


  • We want to reduce our energy consumption sustainably by means of new technologies and by raising the awareness of our employees, our guests and our partners. To this end, in 2013, we registered with the Swiss Federal Office for the Environment for the SME model of the Energy Agency of the Swiss Private Sector.
  • We will save the available resources and sensitize our employees, guests and partners to do so, too.
  • We would like to be part of the active city hotels and check regularly the activities and the level of goal achievement.
  • We prefer suppliers from the region and partners who share our environmental awareness. Moreover we bundle up orders to reduce our carbon footprint.


We value the beautiful and unique nature we are allowed to live in and consciously advocate preserving it for future generations. In the hotel industry, resource consumption is comparatively high, because we want to offer our guests high-quality service and infrastructure. To enable you to enjoy your stay fully, we endeavour to compensate for any unavoidable “environmental pollution” and take advantage of existing potential for optimisation in other areas. As a result, we can compensate for energy consumption, where it cannot be avoided. This allows you, dear Guest, to enjoy the wonderful extras without a guilty conscience.


In 2015, we successfully launched the Water for Water (WfW) project in our catering area. Thanks to that success, we would like to continue this project in the future. We provide our guests with tap water and donate to WfW water and education projects. All collected donations are used in the project country Zambia. We have also been supporting the SapoCycle project since autumn 2015. The foundation turns opened soaps from hotels into life-saving products that help improve hygiene. The recycled soaps are made available to children and families in need. In 2017 we installed three charging stations for electric cars. In 2018 we outsourced our laundry department to the company Green Laundry. A laundy facility where ecology always comes first by using modern and economical machines.


Of our approximately 85 employees, 78% currently travel to work using public transport, on foot or by bicycle. Each year, we ask every employee to suggest one way to continuously improve our environmental management. Together with the environmental team, the management decides on the implementation. Every six months, a prize is awarded for the best idea.